IB Math specialists are here!

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Email: ib@ibscholars.com
Phone: 00995558345753
Address: Georgia, Tbilisi, Samgori District,
Police Lane I, N5, Floor 2, N4a

    International Baccalaureate

    Best IB Maths Tutor in Tbilisi

    In the IB-MYP, mathematics encourages inquiry and application, allowing students to develop skills in problem-solving that extend beyond the discipline and are transferable to other fields. Students learn how to represent information, explore situations, and model them in the MYP as well as solve both familiar and new problems. The social sciences and the arts can both benefit from these abilities. The MYP mathematics framework includes topics such as numbers, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, and probability.

    During the MYP mathematics program, students will experience real-life examples of how mathematics can be applied to situations, and they will be encouraged to apply it to their lives.

    There are two levels of difficulty in the MYP mathematics framework:
    • Students should gain a solid understanding of basic mathematical principles and also develop the skills required for achieving the MYP mathematics objectives through standard mathematics.
    • Extending the standard mathematics framework to meet the mathematics objectives of the MYP.

    To help students realize their full potential, IB Scholars- The best IB tutors in Tbilisi, provide students with a selection of tasks from our resource bank to help them express themselves mathematically and develop advanced theoretical ideas. These skills are required for students to successfully complete the IBDP, where there are also written assignments (Internal Assessments).

    The MYP math examination includes four assessment criteria: A, B, C, and D. Each of the assessment criteria is graded on a 1-8 scale. Students can improve their ability to solve problems with our MYP math tutors.

    • A student's conceptual understanding of a variety of topics is assessed by the 'knowing and understanding' Criteria A.
    • It assesses a student's mathematical language and representation in Criteria B of the MYP math paper.
    • 'Communicating' is the focus of the MYP mathematics Criteria C, which checks students' ability to communicate mathematics.
    • 'Mathematics knowledge in the real world is the basis of Criteria D.

    Personalized Learning

    Group tutoring is a cost-effective and time-efficient method of learning. To make studying more effective, our skilled tutors assess each student's topic knowledge demands and learning ability. Unlike in large classrooms, the teacher devotes his or her complete attention and time to students in small groups.

    Expert IB Tutors

    A thorough selection process is used to identify our highly trained and experienced IB tutors. Every one of our tutors has years of expertise instructing students in a classroom setting. They have been thoroughly evaluated for subject matter knowledge and teaching abilities.

    Interactive And Time-Efficient

    Group tutoring allows students to have classes at a predetermined but convenient time and from the comfort of a real classroom, allowing them to save several hours of idle time. Students who are traveling outside of the city can take online lessons at any time and from any location.



    At IB Scholars, we have students who move through their entire five-year MYP program (from age 11 to 16 years). As the curriculum requires them to complete studies in eight subject areas, as well as an integrative subject and a Personal Project, we design our classes according to the provided structure.

    Language acquisition

    Students looking for tuitions for Language Acquisition in Tbilisi can rely on IB Scholars.

    Language & literature

    Students looking for tuitions for Language & Literature in Tbilisi can rely on IB Scholars.


    Students looking for tuitions for MYP Science in Tbilisi can rely on IB Scholars.